Service Areas
Greene Economics provides comprehensive environmental economic services. Whether you require a cost-benefit analysis, ecosystem services valuation, or a method to quantify the impacts of proposed regulations, our economic analysis is designed to answer crucial questions about cost, value, and benefits.
Our Expertise at a Glance:
Regulatory analysis
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
Natural resource damage assessment (NRDA)
Ecosystem service valuation
Decision-making tools
Socioeconomics and environmental justice analysis
Regional economic impacts
Economic development
Forecasting and projection model​
Water resources management
Water demand and security analysis
Water rights valuation
Public outreach and facilitation
Survey design and analysis
Agricultural systems
Expert witness and litigation support
Real estate transactions
Conventional and renewable energy
Recycling and waste management
Equitable Decarbonization, Climate Risk, and Energy Transition Strategies
Greene Economics has worked with flood risks, temperature changes, greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy, decarbonization, and socioeconomic equity for years. These skills combine to help clients meet new disclosure requirements as well as climate adaptation and planning needs! We help public and private clients prepare for climate-related risks and opportunities, as well as understand the uncertainty surrounding shifting policies and market responses.
We create unique climate adaptation decision tools, develop decarbonization plans, analyze policy-related emission leakage, prepare Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) with Climate Scenario Analyses (CSAs), and generally assist clients in preparing for the global energy transition that is underway. With our expertise in forecasting markets, energy demand, and ecosystem service valuation, we are ideally suited to analyzing benefits and costs of climate risk decisions such as nature-based vs. engineered adaptation strategies for coastal communities.​
Cost-Benefit Analysis and Regulatory Review
A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is an approach to decision-making that weighs all costs and benefits to evaluate infrastructure investments, policy changes, and regulations. Our economists are experts in CBA techniques, having conducted primary analyses for agencies, industrial clients, and environmental organizations, and secondary analyses in the context of litigation and to improve and revise estimates of regulatory impacts in the rulemaking process at federal and state levels.
Natural Resource Economics and Ecosystem Services
We help our clients build the case for smart management of resources. With our extensive experience in estimating the value of ecosystem services and natural resources, and know how to incorporate those values into all types of economic decision-making, our team members are experts in quantifying the changes in natural resources—an essential component of development, regulatory, and land management decisions.
Water Management
From mining companies to tribal nations and municipalities and federal agencies, our economists possess a deep understanding of water-related issues, enhancing decision-making processes. We help clients navigate water management strategies by forecasting water demand, evaluating optimal water use, valuing water rights, and assessing water supply security along with the uncertainties involved in planning.
Case Studies: Water Resources Management [PDF, 294KB]
Regional Economic Impacts
Community well-being is dependent on having strong local and regional economies that provide appropriate jobs and incomes for people and families. Using input-output modeling, our economists can evaluate how a project will strengthen the local and regional economy and measure the economic impact on municipalities, state agencies, private industries, and national organizations.
Case Studies: Providing Regional Economic Impact Analyses [PDF, 218KB]
Social and Racial Equity
A socioeconomic impact analysis explores not only the volume of gains and losses in an economy, but also identifies who wins and who loses in the process. Our economists are skilled in conducting population projections, and have conducted socioeconomic analyses for dozens of environmental impact assessments at the state, national, and international levels, as well as energy projects for both private and government entities. Greene Economics has over 25 years of experience working with Tribes, disadvantaged communities, and cultural value as well.